Alopra Studio is a vibrant Brazilian animation company that, throughout its seven-year history of delivering entertainment content, has demonstrated versatility, creativity, and intensity. This experience is complemented by an extensive 13-year background in the advertising field. While our production hub is primarily located in Brazil, we are officially registered in both Brazil and Uruguay.
We specialize in creating, developing, and producing 2D animations, providing solutions for diverse genres, lengths, and audiences. Whether creating original content or offering services, our company’s capacity and performance continue to grow year after year. What truly distinguishes us is our creative-driven approach, ensuring that our deliveries exceed expectations. This unique perspective sets Alopra Studio apart in the dynamic world of animation.
Creativity and Humor.
The creative drive of Alopra´s team strives to exceed expectations and contribute to the project as a whole, whether in development, co-production or services.
Av. Mauá 2011 | Sala 1203 | Centro Histórico
Porto Alegre/RS – ZIP 90030-080
Opening time
09:00 – 12:00am
02:00 – 07:00pm